Convening of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

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On the initiative and following the resolution of the Board of Panevezio statybos trestas AB, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Panevezio statybos trestas AB (address of registered office P. Puzino Str. 1, Panevezys, company code 147732969) is convened on 18 March 2025.
The place of the meeting shall be Panevezio statybos trestas AB at P. Puzino Str. 1, Panevezys.
The beginning of the meeting shall be at 11:00 (registration shall start at 10:30).  
The accounting day shall be 10 March 2025 (only the persons who are on the shareholder list of the company at the end of the accounting day of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, or the persons who are proxies for them, or the persons with whom an agreement on the transfer of voting rights is concluded, have the right to participate and vote at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders).
The Agenda of the Meeting shall be as follows:
1.Selecting an audit firm and determining the cost of audit services.
2. Changing the name of the Company.
3. Approval of the new Articles of Association of PST Group AB.
